Maker Faire Taipei – a report
I flew to Taipei last week to participate in the Maker Faire with my Taiwanese colleagues David and Jason. As usual, the Maker Faire was on the weekend – for the first time, however, outdoors. As the weather was very nice, it was actually a good idea to have our booth outside.
The Maker Faire took place in and around the National Taiwan Science Education Center that is an impressive building displaying different exhibitions, workshops and trade shows regarding physics, mathematics, chemistry and technology.
As it was my first Maker Faire in Taipei, I was very excited about how visitors would respond to our bricks. We displayed each of our repertoire’s set: the basic and advanced set, the Arduino coding set, the 7 Color Light and the DIY set. To illustrate more clearly to visitors what kind of experiments they can do with the bricks we had already built several circuits – and soon new ones were added: many visitors, regardless if young or old, had fun building their own circuits.
One little boy stayed at our booth for more than an hour building one circuit after the other with our bricks. His parents were so happy about him being interested in our bricks that they immediately bought the Advanced Set for their son – two days later, we received a thank-you-email from them and a video in which their son explains the circuit he just built.
Watch the video here.
The visitors’ feedback was really positive. We frequently heard that parents had been actively searching for an electronic plug system like ours but could not find anything comparable to it (at least not in Taiwan). We were happy to help them out, of course.
We had so much fun introducing our bricks to the Taiwanese visitors and to see how much they liked them.
I’m already looking forward to Maker Faire Taipei 2017!